Wednesday, September 30, 2009
House of sickness
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A wee bit o' progress

Here they are cooking. Don't they look tasty? Is your mouth watering yet? :) I may have to make them again next week.

Well , I'm off to see the wizard. Thank you all for your wonderful kind comments. Don't forget to keep coming back to see the giveaway announcement. Hope you all have a great day!
'Til next time,
Monday, September 28, 2009
No Bees update...and announcing my first giveaway
Here's a little bit of a close up. I'm stitching this in DMC with a little Crescent Colours. The pattern calls for GAST but I'm improvising with what I have on hand. I am stitching on 28 count cream colored evenweave although in the pic it looks a little darker. I actually would have liked the color that it appears to be in the pic but I think it will look okay on the cream.
Keep an eye out on my blog this week. Someday this week I will be announcing my first giveaway and since you won't know just when , you'll have to keep coming back won't you? ;) Keeping this short today as I have much to do and not a whole lot of time to do it in. Hope you all had a nice weekend!
'Til next time, happy stitching!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Oh Dat Quazy Wabbit!
I finished the Bent Creek snowman for the most part. I changed a few colors around .I haven't decided for sure whether or not to use cross stitches for the snowflakes or snowflake sequins. I better decide soon because I am really wanting to get this done so I can move on to something else.
Edgar's fog and theatre pictures reminded me of some we had taken so I thought I would post those. The fog picture was taken over Lake Taneycomo while we were at the Branson Landing.The fog had been thicker and looked really cool but by the time we decided to take a picture and walk down to the car to get the camera, it was starting to dissipate. I used to spend a lot of time in that area when I was a little girl. The Branson Landing shopping center wasn't there and there were some summer cabins down there and people used to go fishing there a lot. The cabins are long gone. I remember that my dad helped with the demolition of some of those .I was in kindergarten then I think and I remember finding someone's toothbrush and picking up rocks and fossils. It was a lot different back then.
This is a picture of the Lander's Theatre which is now houses the Springfield Little Theatre. A lot of people still refer to it as the Lander's . There are all kinds of stories that surround that old building. We were in there one day and was allowed to have an unguided tour. There used to be an elevator in there and it was closed when there had been a fire and hasn't been used in many many years. Now here is something that will make the hair on the back of your neck raise. At the time we were there they were getting ready to put on a production of 'The Diary of Anne Frank' and were getting the Nazi costumes ready in the sewing room upstairs.Just outside of that sewing room is where the old elevator shaft was and they now use it for a closet.There is a whole bunch of stuff in there and they seemed to never throw anything away. We found a stack of very old newspapers and started looking at them.One of them we found was had a story of the Nazi invasion on Austria on the front page.When we looked at the date of the paper it had the exact same day on it as when we were there, except of course for the year. We had the hair on our necks and armed raised up and had chills and we decided we were done with the tour. I would sware on a stack of bibles that it is true! One of the strangest things that has ever happened in my life for sure. We told the girl at the ticket office about it and she wouldn't believe it until my husband went back up the stairs and got the paper and showed it to her. She jokingly asked her boss when her shift was over.LOL!
Well I shall run along for now.Thank you for the comments, especially about the ones about my mom. You all are just so sweet!
'Til next time, happy stitching!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Whooo? Whooo?

I may or may not post tomorrow. My mom is going in to have some more reconstruction done from her mastectomy. She got 3rd degree burns from the radiation so they are having to do more than they thought at first.
Thanks for stopping by.
'Til next time,
Happy stitching,
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Pick a title..,any title

My toe is much better and I need to get some housework done so I'm not sure how much stitching I will get done.
Thanks again for all of your nice comments!
'Til next time,
Monday, September 21, 2009
Monday ,Monday
Here is my weekend progress of No Bees. I suppose it grew a little this weekend, not as much as I'd hoped ,but I just had to start those others. You all know what I'm talking about.

Here is Waiting for Santa. I am going to make a pillow out of it so there I didn't really need to leave much room on the sides.I need to find just the perfect fabric so later this week I will go to the quilt store and look around.

Here is a close up. I am stitching this on 28 count natural linen using some DMC and Weeks.

Well I suppose this will be it today. Thanks so much for the comments. I appreciate them!
'Til next time,
Happy Stitching,
Friday, September 18, 2009
Aaahhh Friday!
Well here it is Friday again.Last day of the school week, YEAH!!! That means I'll have more time for stitching over the next couple of days.Well I have been wanting to do this little pin cushion for some time now and I thought I would just get it done. It is from Hillside Sampling's Gathering Pinecones. It has some tricky speciallty stitches to it.One of which is the point oka stitch ,which I usually always forget where I'm at doing that one, so it may not be real straight. I stitched it on 28 count oatmeal evenweave using a brown DMC for the branches and some Needle Necessities. NN has switched company names and is now Threadworx and they have switched some names around on the colors so I don't know what these are called today. They were Grecian Olive and Serengeti under the NN lable. Peg... can you tell if this is the fabric you were talking about? It looks the same as your BBD. Of course I'll teach you to make buttons.

I put in some stitches while watching my son bowl yesterday. He only bowls for an hour and a half so this is how far I was able to get.I know it's not much to show now ,but I promise you it will grow over the weekend!

I will leave you today with this thought.... Where ever you wonder,where ever you roam, be happy and healthy and glad to come home. Hmmm. I may have to stitch that on something.
Take care friends,
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I'll pass....

My sister was begging for him the other day and she even told her husband to put him in his shirt pocket . Is this a hint she wants one? I think maybe. ;)
On that note I think I will go join Walt . You all have a wonderful day and thanks so much for stopping by.
'Til next time ,
Happy stitching,
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Some Fall finishes

I didn't do much stitching yesterday as I worked mostly on finishing, plus housework.Actually come to think of it ,the only stitching I did yesterday was the little pumpkin for the hangtag on Plumberry.What wrong with me? I must be slipping! I thought about stitching some last night but I got very tired and fell asleep watching Vertigo with James Stewart. I'm disappointed that I fell asleep,I haven't seen that movie in ages.
Well that's it today .
'Til next time ,
Happy Stitching!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Have you seen it?

Thank you friends for visiting.
'Til next time,
Happy stitching,
Monday, September 14, 2009
Time Flies !!

I am trying to chose my next project.I have been thinking for sometime about doing a piece for my laundry room. It's a toss between NoBees ,No Honey from Birds of a Feather or Ida Mae Crow from The Goode Huswife. The laundry room is across from the Marjolein Bastin bathroom so the Bees piece would go with that and the laundry room is at the end of the kitchen ,which is sort of Shaker style and I think Ida Mae would go ok with that but not so much with the Marjolein stuff. The curtain in the laundry room is sort of a sage green checked fabric so either would match that.Still it's a toss up.Decisions,decisions!
Thank you friends so much for stopping by and for your comments! I appreciate them!
'Til next time,
Happy Stitching!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Yeah it's Friday!!!

This last one is a better shot of the PS piece I took the other day.I was able to turn the picture and get a better shot this time.Plus as you can see I was able to get a little more done on it.Last night I also worked on an exchange piece so no pictures of that.I can hardly wait 'til I can show it though.
Well ,that's it for today.Hope you all have a wonderful and safe weekend!
'Til next time, happy stitching!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Moning Coffee

'til next time,
happy stitching!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Just a little giveaway post
Good luck!
A little more past and present
I tried to get rid of this pic so I could turn it. I couldn't ,so here it is.It's something I started on Thursday from PS " A Prairie Year".I will finish it into a pyn keepe I think.
I stitched this from BBD "Be Kind and True".It's the top portion of the pattern.I finished it into a trinket box for my MIL.The next picture is of the inside.It was a Moda fabric but I can't remember who the designer was.

Here is LHN's Wool Needlebook pattern.I made it into a needlework set.

I love gameboards and of course LHN patterns.Here are two gameboards from her Garden and Hometown patterns.I made the checkers myself.I just love making those little things.

Monday, September 7, 2009
A little this...a little that.... (picture heavy and a little long)

As you can see,I had to get started on the LHN pattern.I stitced while watching The Sound of Music. I , of course didn't stitch all of this during that time.I'm not that fast! I was disappointed to find out that Christopher Plummer had said that of all the roles he's played,he detested that one the most.I just love that movie and it wouldn't be the same without him.I am going to make Needleworker into a pillow,which is why I didn't need as much extra fabric around the edges.Besides, it leaves more fabric for the next project,right?

Just a couple of little stitches I did for an ongoing Autumn/Halloween SAL. They have a number of little uses.

Here's a pic of the girls at play.I know they look like they were fighting, but they weren't. This weekend had some sadness as well.My dad's dog Brutis of 15 years died. Now my dad typically is not a crier,but his dogs ( he has another named Mickey) are a big part of his life.My mom told me that he cried for a long time.I felt just terrible for him! We will all miss Brutis.
Some time or another this weekend ,someone brought in a hitchhiker.Probably DS as he was outside in the backyard a lot .
Thanks eveybody for all of your nice comments.They're appreciated! Hope you all have a wonderful day!