Greetings~ As we move in to the weekend I am pondering what I will be doing .Staying inside mostly with as cold as it is. Well, with the exception of building a snowman with my son like I promised. :) Most likely will do some more redwork, work on flylady zone for this week, do general housework, and work on Alex's quilt. Yesterday a post on another blog , Jennifer of to be exact, got me to thinking about what all I get done in one day. Jennifer had mentioned what all she had done in one day, and I realized that I have never wrote that down for myself. So yesterday I tried it.
This is what I did:
cleaned and dusted the living room
read for a bit
posted on blog
worked on an exchange piece while watching Dr . Quinn
assisted with Alex's schoolwork
did a load of laundry
cooked breakfast and lunch
traced another redwork pattern
stitched on that pattern
baked a batch of snickerdoodles
baked cornbread for dinner, hubby cooked the rest
worked on Alex's quilt
checked comments on blog and posted comments on a few others
worked on flylady zone for the week
fell asleep while watching Home Improvement.
It wasn't until I wrote down everything that I realized what all I was getting done. I'm sure some of your task lists would be longer and some shorter. It would be interesting to see what you all do.
Here is some more progress on Alex's "Winter at the Lodge" quilt. I don't think you can really see much of the handquilting in the picture. It was pretty bright by the window. It's been months I think since I showed any work on it.I really need to get it done soon!

Here is another redwork block done. It is the Dogwood and is block #4. I am going to be doing them in order from here on out I think. Again , for any of you interested, you can still download the 12 Days of Redwork for free by visiting
Flylady update: still working on zone for the week. Should finish up this weekend.
Thank you all for all of your comments on the redwork blocks and the fabric bobbins. Yesterday Peg asked if I was going to be making holes in the bobbins so they could be placed on a ring. Nope, haven't gotten that brave! LOL!
Hope you all have a great weekend , and STAY WARM!!
'til next time,