Yesterday I posted the wonderful floss tag that I received from Jolene. I neglected to take a picture of the beautiful fabric on the back, so here it is. You may swipe it if you'd like Jolene.
I will see my mom today and I can't wait to show it to her. She'll probably try to take it from me even though she no longer can see to do needlework! LOL!
Here is another beauty I received from Jolene in the exchange.It will make a nice patriotic addition to our game/family room.
I just had to take some stitches the day it arrived. Here is my progress thus far. I just love those little sheep!
I woke up this morning to a blanket of snow on the ground and also on the car. I'll have to beebop it outside to clean it off as I need to use it today. Ugh! I dread going out in the cold but at least I am lucky enough to have a car to use right?
For all you quilters out there that love redwork, and I'm one of them, you should go and visit Alex Anderson's blog at http://alexandersonquilts.com/ . She is giving away her 12 Days of Redwork as a free download. I have really been itching to do another redwork quilt and this will do nicely.I was thinking about how great it would look to have small squares of different red fabrics bordering the redwork blocks and then border the entire quilt the same way, maybe using 2 rows of squares instead of one? Lot's of time to decide. I'll use DMC's 498 for the embroidery. It's my absolute favorite for redwork. I think Alex said on her Simply Quilts show once that it was her's too.
Thank you all for your wonderful comments. It's so nice to be 'visited' by friends!
'til next time,
**Edited to fix some obvious misspellings.Don't know what I was thinking!**
We all spent Christmas Day at my brother's house this year. He and his girlfriend and their roomate did all of the cooking. A very nice break for my mom.They had everything that you could think of. They insisted that no one do clean up . Just sit and relax they said. Me and another sister snuck off to the kitchen and did the dishes. It was nice to get to talk to her one on one . She and her husband and their family live in Wisconsin where he pastors and they usually can only make it down once or twice a year. Usually when they come down, something major happens with one of his parishioners and he has to go back by himself. They have learned to bring two cars.
Well, we have taken down most of the Christmas decorations and we are going pretty much in full gear toward the New Year. It has been so cold here that hubby says he'll wait to take down the outside lights. I can't say as I blame him. Not only has it been cold, but very windy. We were excited that we had a white Christmas .It was just a blanket of snow, but at least it was some color!
I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week!
'til next time,
happy stitching,
...and here is the culprit!
We had put up a wooden palet last night to keep the dogs contained from the living room.Good thing we did .Can you imagine what she would have done to the tree?! Everyone would have known what they got for Christmas too no doubt. She'd be packing her bags if she had done that! Well, probably not, but I would have strongly considered it! By the way... she spent the rest of the night outside! It's funny because what little sleep I got after all that, I had a dream that I went to a support meeting for damage dogs do. I met another stitcher there. Can you can who that was Carolyn? Isn't it crazy what we dream?
Well dear blogging buddies, I hope your day goes well. At least may it be better than mine!
'til next time,
happy stitching!
I bet I haven't picked up a stitching needle in over a week! I have been busy doing other things to get ready for Christmas . One thing I have been working on is socks for my mother -in-law. I got the first pair done. I get frustrated when the striping doesn't come out the same on both socks. Seems like in order to do that you almost have to unwind the second ball down a long way and start there. Too much of a waste. I wish they could start and end a skein in the same colorway spot! I guess it will be okay though, I know she won't mind. I at least know she likes the colors in them as I had made myself a pair from the same colors and she liked them a lot .
I have removed the playlist from the blog for a bit. I haven't gotten much traffic on the blog lately and was thinking that maybe you all were getting burned out on the music. I may put it back on a couple of days or so before Christmas, we'll see.
Hope you all have a splendid week!
'til next time,
Supplies list:
1 very cute coffee mug
1 index card
piece of decorative ribbon
gift tissue or even wrapping paper (tissue works best)
sandwich size self sealing bag
4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons Hershey's cocoa
3 tablespoons chocolate chips
1.Place ingredients in the bag.
This is more presentable if you can get the ingredients to 'layer' in the bag.Because of it's size , they probably won't but that's okay.
2. You can place a to and from stitcker or tag on the front of the index card or write 'Merry Christmas' , however you want to decorate the front of the card. On the back you'll write the following instructions:
(Mix dry ingredients in cup, add 1 egg, stir well, 3 tablespoons milk,stir well, 3 tablespoons oil, stir well, vanilla to taste ,stir well. Microwave for 3 minutes ( for a 1000 watt microwave) ,you may need to adjust time if microwave is a different wattage.The cake will rise high but will not spill out of the cup.You can add butter after cooking and let it melt , eat right out of the cup or on a saucer.)
3. Punch a hole in the corner of the index card, place bag inside the tissue and tie at the top. Run one end of the ribbon through the hole in the index card and tie a bow. Place in the cup and you're done!
Hope you enjoy this one!
'til next time,
Happy stitching,
Well, do you have your shopping done yet? Not me, although I have gotten a start on some socks for my mother-in-law. I am using number 2 Crystal Palace bamboo. I love using them. I had to make a quick trip to yarn store the other day though because I had laid the project down on the floor, close to the edge of the recliner where I thought they would be out of the way. I went into the kitchen to fix myself a cup of cappuccino, came back to the living room and stepped on it. Well, with the needles being bamboo, I broke one of them! I quickly called up the store and luckily she still had a couple of sets and put one back for me to pick up. Carol is always so accommodating.
The other day , I looked out of the kitchen window and there was our crazy dog,Brittney, sitting on a railroad tie that we have along the bottom of the fence. It was so funny that I had to run and get the camera. She does some goofy stuff sometimes. I thought it was cute anyway. We keep the railroad ties along the fence line because she likes to dig a lot . We don't want her crawling under the fence and getting into the neighbor's yard. Our neighbor is a botanist . She and the others she works with are trying to grow plants the are becoming exstinct in our area so that they can transplant and promote more growth. Can you imagine if our dog got over there and dug them all up! Aye-ya-yi !
Thank you all again for all of your nice and wonderful comments! I hope you all get a chance to make a few of the chocolate spoons. They are really great!
'til next time,
This last one is from Little House Needleworks that was in last years JCS ornament issue. I'm usually not keen on religious designs because so many of them seemed to be on the tacky side.Shouldn't something like that be more on the elegant side? I think so anyway and I find very very few I like. I think Diane did a great job with this one.
Well that's it for today. I hope you are able to fit some stitching or other crafting into your life today.It makes the day so much brighter! Thank you all for all your wonderful comments. Keep 'em comin' !
'til next time,
happy stitching!
Here's a little closer shot.
So what are the rest of you working on? Are you making ornaments, pillows, gift boxes, or other things? I'd love to hear from you . Hope you all are having fun with all that the season brings. Well ,with the exception of traffic and searching for a parking space! That's never fun! LOL!
'til next time,
happy stitching,
I dabbled with some ornament making this weekend. I will be making a few others for the little tree in the kitchen. So far I have a cookie and a little s'more man done. Here was the outcome.
....and here's the tree. Still have room for ornaments from a couple of other exchanges and the tree will be all set. I just can't get a good closeup shot of the whole shabang so maybe I will take closeups of sections later. We even have a few presents under there already! There're kind of tucked away in the back.
I had wanted to make a tree skirt this year but we couldn't stand to fight the crowds at Jo-Ann's the other day. Hubby thought that a fabric store wouldn't be busy on the day after Thanksgiving! I told him that he must not know women very well and he said that no he didn't . We got there and it was almost wall to wall shoppers. There was a lady there that was practically crying because they wouldn't give her a certain percent off of something she wanted just because she had driven a hundred miles (so she said and no one believed her) to get there. I'll tell ya , the nutcases really come out this time of year don't they?
Well, that's it in a nutshell! Thank you all for all of your nice comments on American Star. Now I just need to figure out a way to finish it.
'til next time,
happy stitching,
Here is a little closer look. The camera isn't taking very clear pictures, I think it is getting old.
Hope you all had a great weekend! Thanks everyone for commenting on the quilt. I really appreciate it.
'til next time,