Good luck!
Good luck!
This is one of my very favorite patterns from Carriage House Samplings. I was going to wait until I had some things freed up and my time on my hands to start it , but you know me!
Yep! I started it! Here's my progress so far. Not much , but I've worked on it enough to know that I am absolutely in love with this linen. The needle glides so easliy and the stitches go fast!
See the little snake down in the bottom corner? Trust me, a fabric and thread snake is the only one I'll get near!! LOL.
Do you ever stretch yourself too thin? I do that a lot and I do mean A LOT! I've started a lot of stitching projects and I don't really have to tell you all , you can see that! I have also signed up for a few more exchanges and then I turned around and set one up on my blog!! That's ok, I'll get them done. I just won't get much else done for a while. Wish the kiddo was on Summer break already and then I would have him do the housework while working on exchanges. He does do laundry and we have been working on cooking , but there isn't enough practice in really to just turn him loose. Know what I mean? Actually , now that I think of it, I have the stitching done for two exchanges so all I have to do is the finishing on those. Then I have two other exchanges to stitch up , so I guess that really isn't all that bad right?
Berit had mentioned a relish for grilled ears of corn in yesterday's comments and it really sounded good. I mentioned it to my husband last night when he got home from work and said he is definately going to try that next time we grill corn. Thank you all for all of your wonderful comments. I do enjoy reading them!! I will have an update on the quilt soon You all take care, stay cool, and make the best of your day!
'till next time,
don't be a stranger,
Next up is a Beehive needleroll finish from Shepherd's Bush. It came in the package from Shirley. I had a lot of fun working on it. This is my third needleroll finish to date and the second one I own. I love how it turned out!
I'll be posting pictures soon of a quilt I started this weekend. I would have posted some today , but I have to save something for tomorrow! :)
Thank you all for stopping by today and for your comments. I do so appreciate them. For those of you that didn't win the drawing, stick around, I just may have another one soon!! Please do visit again real soon!
'till next time,
Don't be a stranger,
A few weeks ago I had borrowed the BBD Pumpkin Blossom pattern from another dear blogging friend, Catherine. I finally got it finished into the needlebook this weekend and here is the finished result.
I really like the way this turned out! Thanks again so much Catherine!!
I have a couple of other designs that I am working on. Oh , come on now, none of you are surprized! LOL! I am working on Bent Creek's Snapperville that I got from Natalie and also Lake House Catch from BBD that I recieved from Shirley. I'm just about done with that one. I'm re-doing the small bathroom in a patriotic theme and Lake House Catch will ge going in there. I will be working on Bent Creek's Patriotic Row and that will be going in there as well. I am thinking about a valance finish for that one, we'll see.
Well all, that wraps it up for me for another day. Thank you all for all of your comments about my son and his trophy and for wishing him well after his accident. It's appreciated so much! He is doing a lot better and so far it looks like we won't have to do a follow up with his doctor. Thank you all also for your sweet comments regarding my blog and my stitching. I am still flabbergasted that you all take the time to read it! I appreciate you all!!
'till next time,
don't be a stranger,
I just had to do some playing in my new stash from Shirley! I just love this stocking from BBD July stockings pattern . I stitched it in a day and will be finishing it off this week. I think I will put it in my small bathroom. I'm slowly getting some patriotic things in there and I think this will work just fine. You still have me baffled Shirley with all that stuff you sent! You will never know how much I appreciate it!
I hope your weekend is filled with sunshine for you all, whether it be weather wise or just good things that come your way! Hopefully both!! Thank you all for your wonderful comments , support , and friendships! Please come and visit again real soon!
'till next time,
Don't be a stranger,
I think her favorite part is the sheep.:)
Well this time of year yields graduations galore and next week I have 3!! I just don't know if I can make them all. I would have 4 except my nephew's graduating in Wisconsin so I'll be missing that one! :( That's a real downer!
My son came home with a trophy from bowling yesterday and boy was he excited!! I forgot to take a snap of that this morning so I'll have to post one tomorrow. He turned 13 Tuesday and is very excited to be a teenager. It's funny because there was a part where all of us jurors were getting a little bored ,uh -hum, tired, with the long process that the judge started talking to us some and asking us questions and sort of teasing around to lighten the mood . He asked me if I knew what came next after 13 , and he said 16. He warned me that the years between 13 and 16 go by real fast and that all I will hear soon is when is he going to be able to drive or when can he get a car. Hmmm.... anybody think the judge has been through this before! LOL!
Well all, I am going to go for today. Thank you all for all of your wonderful comments on all that awesome new stash from Shirley. I've been doing some playing when I've had the time. Maybe I might have something to show you tomorrow. :)
Hope you all have an awesome day!
'till next time,
don't be a stranger,
I opened the one on top first, and inside were these lovelies! A stitchers station, two packages of needles, a needle minder, and some GAST floss in beautifully rich deep tones. Lovey gift right? Wait! I'm not done!
I've died and gone to stitcher's Heaven I tell ya!! I can't believe the generousity that was bestowed upon me! ME! I could never tell Shirley how much this is appreciated and what it did to uplift my spirits! You know, I mean this in all sincerity. I really love everything and I am so excited to start plotting and planning my next stitching. What means the most though, was that she wanted to. It absolutely blows me away!! It touches my heart. :)
Well dear friends and blogging buddies. I don't even know really how to end this post today, except for to tell you all how much I do appriate your visits and comments and friendships. They mean a lot!! I want to take a moment to let those of you know that have become a follower of my blog , that I have tried to follow some blogs only to find that there is no link for one for you on the list that pops up when I click on the icon for some of you. If you'd like for me to follow your blog, which I would be honored to, please let me know what your blog URL is either through the comments or an email. My email is in my profile.
I hope you all have a wonderful and safe weekend! For all of those of you who are moms, Happy early Mother's Day!!!
'till next time,
don't be a stranger,
I have the stitching all done on the bellpull and also have the innerfacing ironed in place. I will get the finishing done it on either today or tomorrow. I'll post a picture of that when I get that done.
I recently asked on another blog if they kept a stitching journal. Do any of you? I am thinking about doing so. I have certain things that go through my mind while working on a piece. Things like maybe what that particular piece reminded me of, what I was thinking of at the time, you know those things. I do keep an exchange journal. What I stitch for someone and what I receive back. I include all details like fabric and fibers used as well as the goodies if there were anything. I am quite a newbie when it comes to exchanging. I haven't even done it a year. I am coming up on my 14th and contenplating what I will do. Hopefully I can find something that that certain someone will like.
Well dear friends and blogging buddies.... this post finds itself coming to an end. I want to thank all of you for your wonderful comments that keep me going in this blogland of ours. Thanks for your visit today. Please do come again!
'till next time,
don't be a stranger,