Happy Monday everyone!~ I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and Valentine's Day. Can't wait to see everyone's posts on what they did. This weekend I started some new projects, OF COURSE! One I will show today , and the others will be throughtout the week.
I have had this copy of Country Marketplace magazine for some time and in it there was this picture of a sheep. I don't know why , but it really struck me and ever since I have wanted to try and paint it. Well. I finally found all the paints ( had to substitute a couple of discontinued colors) and a canvas so I set to work. Now, I have only painted like little Easter eggs and those plaster of paris Christmas Village pieces, never anything like this . This was my first attempt at a painting. Could it be better? Oh yeah, but it will do for now. Afterall , it is supposed to be primitive.
Here he is.
I have an idea or two where to put him. I'll have to think on that.

Then I got some wonderful things in the mail!! First off , I received my Stitch Red For Your Heart exchange from Hazel (http://quietlystitching.blogspot.com/ ). She sent me some wonderful raspberry choclates which I love. She also sent along a really pretty Christmas fabric with gold holly leaves on it, she obviously read my wish list.

She stitched this beautiful design from Amon Anie Pierre , and finished it into a wonderful smelling lavendar heart sachet. The fabric on the back is really pretty and I should have gotten a picture of it. Perhaps I'll remember tomorrow.
Along with that she sent this beautiful handmade bookmark she made. You can't tell in the picture, but at the top in gold letters , it says "stitch red".
Also included was this beautiful handmade card. I know you can't see the antique looking brass butterflies at the corners very well. They are really pretty. The front of the card is glossy. I was thinking that I will frame this in probably a glossy black frame . It is really really nice! Thanks again for everything Hazel!!

The mail also brought me a chart from BeckySC .Guess what that means to me? You guessed it! A new start! Thanks Becky!!
Jack made dinner last night. It was THE BEST lasagna I had ever ever had! It was a nice treat! He took me to the needlework store to buy more goodies so new starts for the spring don't ya know! We also watched the re-make of The Shaggy Dog with Tim Allen.
That's all for today! You all stay nice and warm and let those creative juices flow!
Take care,