Good Morning! Or Good Afternoon for those of you who popped by later in the day.These pictures aren't the greatest.We have a fairly new camera that takes really good pictures ,but for some reason when the pictures are uploaded to the blog,they come out fuzzy. I have no clue why.I have had a couple of requests for some pictures for my recent finishes ,but of course I had to figure out how to post pictures first .Anyway,can you believe that in 23 years of cross stitching I had never made myself a needlebook? I've made a few for other people ,but never myself .I treated myself recently and made one from Traveling Stitcher from LHN. The paisley fabric is from 3 Sisters on the MODA lable I think.I stitched an extra band for the inside using a flower from the main pattern. I like the way it turned out.If I decide to attatch another felt page later,there's room.I used the recommended 32 count lambswool linen and flosses from Crescent Colours.

The next picture is of Bent Creek's Autumn Row. I will be finishing it into a long pillow for the window sill.Sorry the picture isn't a close up.I can't fit the whole thing in when I try to get a close up of it.It is putting me in the mood for some more fall stitching.

This last one is a WIP of course.It is Sleepy Hollow from The Cross-Eyed Cricket.I dyed the fabric myself and it turned out more blue then I wanted ,but hopefully it will look ok when I get it all finished.My hopes is to get it done for this Halloween . With our schedules and trying to fit all of our school hours in ,household duties and stitching for the Halloween Exchange,the headless horseman will probably have to wait until next year for his Midnight Ride into our house.We'll be bummed ,but we will enjoy it when it's done.

Ok,now to the part where I think I hooked a big one. We're not talking about a fish.We're talking about a husband. I know you are all thinking that I am already married so what do I mean?My husband,at no nudging from me,is starting his first cross stitch! When he mentioned that he wanted to go look at the kits at Hobby Lobby and Michael's ( which is a sad selection these days and we nolonger have a needlework shop in town) I was shocked! I didn't push him at all,and gave him plenty of time to make his choice.He chose a little kit of a snowy cabin in the woods.It will fit nicely in our lodge themed bedroom.He's helped me before with a couple of quilts I've made ,but never in my wildest dreams did I think he'd ever want to try cross stitch! If he decides to do another project after this one, I hope he ditches the aida that comes in the kit,for at least evenweave if not linen!
Well that's all for now.See ya next time!