Greetings dear friend and blogging buddies! ~ Ahh... 'tis another day of busyness ahead of me. Those are just about constant these days it seems! I thought I would take a minute to show you all the fruits of some of what is keeping me on my toes these days.
I just had to start Bushel & A Peck right away! What bit I have gotten done on it has gone much faster than I anticipated. I can hardly wait 'til it is done. I think I have found the perfect place for it! :) Thanks again dear Myra! As a result of your generousity, it has given me the oppurtunity to meet someone who isn't too terribly far from me. ((( Waving big to you Tina! )))

Now I have been talking for some time now about wanting to redecorate my smaller bathroom in the Patriotic style.Finally, here are a few pics of that. First off, I was able to get some fabric for a valance for $3.49! I didn't want to make a very full one as I was wanting the stars to really show. I just love the way it looks and I LOVE the bargain price! :) I found some paper mache' stars, painted them dark red, antique white, and navy blue. Then I used poster gum ( handi - tak to some of you) to attach them to the wall. Those were just 50 cents a piece, so only $3 to frame the window out!

Some time ago I borrowed the pattern "Patriotic Row" from Bent Creek from Natalie. I was going to originally make a valance out of it , but decided to make a window sill pillow instead. I used ribbon that I got in the 4th of July exchange I was in for HOE/ HOE II . Just perfect for it!

Up next is another design from Bent Creek simply title Flag. I thought this would go quite nicely. Then I have Hometown Gameboard from Little House Needleworks that I had made into a little checkerboard game tray some time ago. That sits on the back of the toilet and the Flag piece resides above.

The flag arrangement I'm sure you all recongnize from a recent post. The candleholder is from Partylite and has long since been discontinued. I have had it tucked away in a drawer for eons and due to the color, I found just the right place to use it.

Oh, here is a closer shot of that gameboard....
.... and one of the flag.

I still have two more walls to go . I know that I am going to be adding LHN's America when I get it framed. I don't know just yet what to do with the other wall. It's a very small space. so it won't need much.
Well, that will be it today folks! I hope you all have a great great day ! Thank you so much for stopping by and for the comments. They truly make me smile!
'til next time,
don't be a stranger,